Car Accidents & Personal Injury

(619) 623-3644

With more than 30 million residents and tens of thousands of miles of streets and roads, drivers in California run up millions of miles every year. With all those drivers and vehicles, collisions and crashes are an inevitable result.

At LTI LAW, APC, we know how difficult it can be for the average driver to know what to do to protect their interests and obtain the compensation they need. Insurance companies try to minimize their pay out or deny a claim altogether. Our attorney can review your facts and explain your options to recover your damages from the crash.

Motorcycle Crashes

If you ride a cycle, the risk of a motorcycle crash is ever present. You should drive defensively, but that may not be enough to prevent a driver reading a text from crashing into you. We can help you obtain compensation for your injuries.

Tractor-Trailer Accidents

Semi-truck crashes are a concern for every motorist. Truck drivers are often rushing to meet deadlines and too many drive when they are fatigued or they may be speeding and lose control. These are complex accidents and you need an attorney on your side when you have been injured and need to file a claim. We can help and work to maximize your compensation after you have been hurt.

Other Personal Injury Claims

Our firm can also assist with a wide variety of other personal injury claims. No matter how you were hurt, if your injuries are due to someone else's negligence, we can help. The negligent party's insurance company will have a team of attorneys working to deny your claim. We can be your attorney and protect your interests.

LTI LAW, APC Is Here for You

At LTI LAW, APC, we focus on Immigration Law and Personal Injury. We are here to listen to you and help you navigate the legal system.
